Grade Expectations
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Learn to play cooperatively – sharing and using acceptable manners
Develop imagination and express artistic creativity, through free art opportunities
Develop language skills and verbalization, through dictating short stories and communicating needs and feelings
Develop listening skills, for both large and small group learning
Follow directions
Identify colors (primary, secondary), through teacher guided art projects
Identify and match shapes (square, circle, rectangle, triangle)
Recognize numbers 1‐20, understand the meaning of numerals, number concepts such as 1 dozen, through number activities and art projects
Count using one‐to‐one correspondence
Recognize the alphabet, A‐Z, upper and lower case and put the alphabet in order
Be aware of family
Understand time concepts (months, weeks, days, before & after, etc.)
Know body parts (waist, shoulder, ankle, thigh, wrist, chest, knees, hips, etc.)
Identify directions (above, below, beside, etc.)
Identify quantities, measurements (more, slower, taller, biggest, etc.)
Develop cutting, coloring, gluing skills, through daily practice on art projects that become more complex over the year
Accomplish grand movements such as: hopping, jumping, leaping, galloping and skipping
Identify same and different
Able to sequence events
Manage body movements when in a group while participating in physical activities/game
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Work independently at her desk
Listen to longer sets of directions
Read directions off the board, although some children may still have difficulty with this
Complete homework and bring it back the next day
Sit in a chair for a longer period of time
Be able to see things from another person's point of view so you can reason with your child and teach empathy
Relate to and repeat experiences in greater detail and in a logical way after listening
Problem-solve disagreements
Crave affection from parents and teachers
Have some minor difficulties with friendships and working out problems with peers
Distinguish left from right
Be able to plan ahead
Write and spell untaught words phonetically
Read and write high-frequency words such as where andevery
Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
Understand and use correctly conjunctions and prepositions, such as but and beyond
Read aloud first-grade books with accuracy and understanding
Tell time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks
Quickly answer addition problems with sums up to 20
Quickly answer subtraction problems with numbers 0 to 20
Complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Begin to reason and concentrate
Improve his ability to process information
Improve focus on a specific task
Work cooperatively with a partner or small group
Understand the difference between right and wrong
Make connections between concepts so he will be better able to compare and contrast ideas
Expand vocabulary
Correctly use irregular verbs
Read fluently with expression
Ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about a piece of reading
Revise and edit a piece of writing
Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives
Recognize most irregularly spelled words such as becauseand upon
Begin to use a dictionary
Do mental math for single-digit addition and subtraction problems
Add single- and multi-digit numbers with regrouping
Demonstrate an understanding of place value
Tell time to the nearest five minutes, using AM and PM
Know the basic concept of multiplication (for example, 2 x 3 is two rows of three and 600 is six 100s)
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Work cooperatively and productively with other children in small groups to complete projects
Understand how choices affect consequences
Become more organized and logical in her thinking processes
Build stronger friendships
Be more influenced by peer pressure because friends are very important at this stage
Like immediate rewards for behavior
Be able to copy from a chalkboard
Be able to write neatly in cursive because the small muscles of the hand have developed
Read longer stories and chapter books with expression and comprehension of the theme
Use prefixes, suffixes, and root words and other strategies to identify unfamiliar words
Multiply and divide single- and multi-digit numbers
Know the products of all one-digit numbers by memory
Tell time to the nearest quarter- and half-hour and to five minutes and one minute, using AM and PM
Be able to conduct week(s)-long interviews and research projects and write on a topic
Use linking words such as because, therefore, since, for example, also, another, and, more, and but to show sequence, contrast, and causation
Be prepared for a discussion, having read or studied required material
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Follow class rules
Separate from a parent or caregiver with ease
Take turns
Cut along a line with scissors
Establish left- or right-hand dominance
Understand time concepts like yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Stand quietly in a line
Follow directions agreeably and easily
Pay attention for 15 to 20 minutes
Hold a crayon and pencil correctly
Share materials such as crayons and blocks
Know the eight basic colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, black, white, and pink
Recognize and write the letters of the alphabet in upper- and lowercase forms
Know the relationship between letters and the sounds they make
Recognize sight words such as the and read simple sentences
Spell his first and last name
Write consonant-vowel-consonant words such as bat and fan
Retell a story that has been read aloud
Show an opinion through drawing, writing, or speaking (e.g. “My favorite book is…”)
Identify and be able to write numbers from 0 to 20
Count by ones and tens to 100
Do addition problems with sums up to 10
Do subtraction problems with numbers 0 to 10
Know basic shapes such as square, triangle, rectangle, and circle
Know her address and phone number
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Begin to make more decisions and engage in group decision-making
Want to be part of a group
Think independently and critically
Have empathy
Show a strong sense of responsibility
Have a greater awareness of fairness
Be able to memorize and recite facts, although he may not have a deep understanding of them
Increase the amount of detail in drawings
Work on research projects
Write a structured paragraph with an introductory topic sentence, three supporting details, and a closing sentence that wraps up the main idea of the paragraph
Use quotations effectively in writing
Use a range of strategies when drawing meaning from text, such as prediction, connections, and inference
Correct frequently misused words (e.g. too, to, two; their,they’re, there)
Understand more complex cause-and-effect relationships
Add and subtract decimals, and compare decimals and fractions
Multiply multi-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, understanding the concept of place value
Divide larger multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, understanding the concept of place value
Identify points, lines, rays, and angles in two-dimensional figures
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Be generally truthful and dependable
Develop increasing independence
Improve problem-solving skills
Acquire increasingly advanced listening and responding skills, such as responding to peers’ comments and opinions
Enjoy organizing and classifying objects and ideas
Be able to read and concentrate for long periods of time
Read complex text fluently and with good comprehension
Research a topic using a variety of sources, and use the features of a book (for example, the index, glossary, and appendix) to find information
Identify conflict, climax, and resolution in a story
Write an organized, multi-paragraph composition in sequential order with a central idea
Correctly use commas and quotation marks in writing
Use problem-solving strategies to solve real-world math problems
Add and subtract fractions and decimals
Understand and do math problems involving parentheses, brackets, and braces
Classify two dimensional figures into different categories (e.g. a rectangle has four right angles, so a square is always a rectangle)
Find the area of two-dimensional shapes
Use long division to divide large numbers by multi-digit numbers
Identify and map a pair of coordinate numbers on the coordinate system (along the x-axis and y-axis)
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Understand the precise meaning of the words they read, write, listen and speak.
Become adept at problem-solving and evaluating simple numerical expressions.
Develop a broad understanding of human history and cultures.
Gain greater understanding of earth sciences such as geology, oceanography and more.
Expand knowledge using research, evidence and critical thinking skills.
Grow their communication skills, decision making and goal-setting skills.
Perform all operations with decimals
Perform all operations with fractions
Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems
Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions
Solve expressions using order of operations including exponents
- Read, write and comprehend informative, narrative and argumentative texts
-Answer a short response question using RACECE (restate, answer, cite, explain, cite, explain)
-Discuss class texts together and backup claims using text evidence
-Use context clues to find the meanings of unknown, tricky vocabulary words
-Create Flipgrid presentations to practice the speaking and listening standards
-Read independently and complete tasks on that reading
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
Helps your student gain a better understanding of the world around them (people and cultures, environment, etc)
Keeps your child engaged and focused on learning as they continue to prepare for higher-level learning.
Motivates them to become better communicators as they work on their listening, writing and speaking skills.
Expands their knowledge of mathematical concepts appropriate to 7th grade.
Improves their organizational, critical thinking, decision-making and goal-setting skills.
Fosters a love of learning as they develop deep research, analysis and writing skills while they explore science, social studies, math and language arts.
Identify the aspects of emotional health and how to maintain good emotional health
Navigate the high school application process
Identify healthy nutritional and lifestyle habits
Identify the dangers of substance abuse
Write to entertain while focusing on a central idea
Read for enjoyment and apply skills learned in class when addressing writing prompts
Support an argument through writing and in class discussions
Participate in discussions that involve the use of text evidence and personal opinions
Write to inform and read informative texts on a variety of topics
Identify and understand a variety of genre
Question what we read and hear and come to original ideas with the understanding that the existence of contrasting opinions is an opportunity for growth and learning.
Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.
Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.
Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.
Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
By the end of the year, you can expect your child to:
An empathetic and inclusive member of their school community through opportunities to volunteer and engage with peers both in and out of the classroom.
An open-minded and critical thinker by encouraging discourse and dialogue around ideas with real world significance among peers.
A responsible, self-starting, and engaged student by creating both resources and opportunities to work independently.
An advocate for their needs as a student and the needs of others in the school community by providing structures and experiences for them to practice these skills.
Read independently for enjoyment and accountability.
Identify and discuss critically central ideas and themes in order to build connections among texts and experiences.
Write to inform using clear, credible, and properly cited text evidence that supports independent concepts and understandings.
Write to entertain using mentor texts that explore universal themes while adhering to genre norms.
Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
Work with radicals and integer exponents.
Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.
Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.